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Threadbare Advent: Enough

I’ve been out three times this weekend with advent candles written specifically on my list and forgotten to look each time. Why? I’m distracted by being so full– full of lists, engagements, expectations. So many things call for my immediate attention. I have...

Weems 20: Christmas 1996

Our first Christmas married, we lived in a little one-bedroom townhouse. I was finishing my student teaching, and Matt was finishing school and working full-time. It was busy, but we still had time to decorate and get pictures done at the local department store....

Weems 20: Christmas 1995

We’ve been back stateside four months now, and I am still unpacking– actually, that’s a lie. I should say I’m still walking by boxes that I will probably hide in the garage over winter break, ready to be forgotten until our next move.  One...

Weems 20: Thanksgiving 1995

November 1995: It was this weekend twenty years ago that I flew back to Arizona for Thanksgiving to inform my family that I had met the man I was going to marry, even if he hadn’t asked me yet. My family always gets together every Thanksgiving, usually numbering...

Fall: We’re Still Here

We took this picture the day we crossed into South Carolina this summer. Allow it to stand in for a proper transition. (Yes, this WAS the best one.) I lost a month somewhere during the flood, with a week off school followed by two weeks of late starts. We are getting...