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A reminder to myself today:

You know that kid that runs you nuts? The one who keeps you up at night and down on your knees? That kid who has heard parent and teacher lectures #1-7,844 and actually created the need for lecture # 7,845?

Believe in him.

Speak truth in love to her.

Encourage him.

Tell her she’s loved and valuable.

Love him despite the sometimes sulky, rebel-without-a-cause façade that calmly argues every inconsequential topic including why the sky is not blue and the road is not asphalt. Love her despite the fourteen outfit changes (before lunch!) now sitting wadded up on the floor of her bedroom. The one you received another email/call from school about on the first day back from break. The ones who make you want to bang your head against a wall are the ones who need unconditional acceptance most. When they press your buttons, let the love squeeze out. Pray with me, even if it’s through gritted teeth, This too will pass, but it’s not going without some love slapped on it.

Thank you to the grace-givers in our lives—the ones who apply love and kindness so liberally, especially to our kids who are clueless about the fragility of life and the value they carry around in themselves.

Psst…this may apply to a couple of adults too, but you didn’t hear that from me.

Tra-la-la. Back into the fray.

Three Under Four


(Ten years ago– pretty sure I was talking to myself then too. Marathon, not a sprint. Marathon, not a sprint.)